10 Reasons Why I Love Buffer
I keep mentioning buffer to my clients and, ahead of a talk to the York Wedding Industry Network tonight I thought I would write a brief blog about why I love buffer.
Buffer allows you to drip feed information onto your various social media channels throughout the day. Once you are set up you can click on anything you read online and share it where you want, when you want.
There is no need to log on to anything or copy and paste, you just press a button and it is done.
So here’s 10 reasons why I love Buffer:
- It is really, really easy to set up. Seriously. Click here and set it up now. I was going to write a blog showing you how to do it, but there really is no need!
- You can share information from nearly everywhere – twitter, facebook and websites
- You can set up times when you want to share posts on a queue basis – look at when your clients are on-line and set the times accordingly.
- You can schedule what you share – want to post something during #smallbizhour? You can with buffer.
- You can share immediately.
- You can share quotes and excerpts from blogs. Just highlight what you want to share and click the buffer icon.
- You can select where you want to share the content – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and, very recently, Pinterest.
- It has useful analytics tools to see which shares perform best.
- You can set up RSS feeds from blogs you love and share their content.
- The free individual package really gives you a chance to get to know how to use it. It does have limits but the next package at $10 per month doesn’t exactly break the bank.
Have I convinced you? Go on, give it a go!
Here’s a bit more reading that might convince you