Training Courses
Over 10 years we have built up a lot of expertise and contacts in the world of SMEs. We offer training in the following areas:
Mailchimp Templates and Set up
Mailchimp Landing Pages
WordPress Basics.
These are normally carried out on a bespoke 1 to 1 basis, but we can provide a broader training course to groups of people. Please contact us if you would like to book training.
Useful Information
We also produce a number of "how to" blogs explaining how to do some of the basic administrative tasks. You can read them below. To receive new training blogs as we go along, please sign up to the newsletter.
Business BookCLUB
Sam is a member of the Business BookCLUB and had put together quite an archive of book reviews. Many of these are excellent books for helping both business and personal development. Read them here.
How To Guides from Red Kite Services
How to Write a Press Release
Vicky Clapham, Managing Director of Bevic Marketing Services Ltd is back with her second guest blog for us, this time sharing her top tip for How to Write a Press…
How to….. Set up a Landing Page in Mailchimp
The ability to set up a landing page in Mailchimp is a really useful addition to your marketing within Mailchimp. It allows you to entice customers to sign up for…
How to….. Set up a template email using a Gmail account
Many of us send out standard emails on a regular basis and setting up a template for these emails is an excellent time-saver. If you are a Gmail user it…
Business Book Reviews
Book Review: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The review on the cover of this page told me to expect a book that was ‘inspiring, revelatory.’ So, I opened the book for the May Business BookCLUB with anticipation.…
Book Review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
The book for April at the Business BookCLUB was The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. Among the blurb on the back cover this book is introduced as “The next chapter…
Book Review: Night School by Richard Wiseman
This month’s Business BookCLUB was a bit different: it was the first one of lockdown, so held on Zoom – giving us an insight into our home life. The book…
Book Review: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker
With a subtitle of “Think to Get Rich” I was always going to struggle with the sentiment of Secrets of a Millionaire Mind – our February choice for Business Book…
Book Review: Atomic Habits by James Clear
I have been a member of Ros Jones’ Business Bookclub now for almost two years. I have read some really inspiring books and some that were a struggle; until now…
Book Review: The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande
This book was music to my ears! Using examples from the fields of building, aviation and, finally, medicine Surgeon Atul Gawande explains how a simple checklist saves lives. This was…