Book Review: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
The book for April at the Business BookCLUB was The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.
Among the blurb on the back cover this book is introduced as “The next chapter of your life – the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagines – is about to begin.”
The book had a lot to live up to, but right from the start I was drawn in to the 6 habits to transform a life. In the BookCLUB we have read quite a few of these type of motivational books and I am normally quite a cynic – I don’t always buy into the “if you believe enough you can get there” type book and have always dismissed the idea of affirmations. BUT, there is something different about this book. Firstly it is a very easy read and secondly it doesn’t focus on making yourself a millionaire, so for me the ideas were much more palatable.
The six habits to adopt every day (and it doesn’t have to be mornings) are summarised as your S.A.V.E.R.S:
Scribing (writing).
The last three are not a problem for me as I exercise, read and scribble notes every day. But the first three are things I don’t do. This book explains why they are good and give you practical ways of doing these. So, for example, in the affirmations you don’t just repeatedly tell yourself who you want to be and what you want to accomplish. You also say how you are going to do it by taking manageable steps.
For visualisations you don’t just visualise your dream lifestyle, you visualise how you are going to do it. You look at the steps you need to do to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
I really took to this book and the approach, although I had to skim over the continual promotion of the Miracle Morning website/community/ other books etc. During my time in the BookCLUB this self-promotion is the biggest difference between US and British authors and always feels, to a Brit, that it is too much selling. I was also not keen on the very early morning idea proposed by Hal, as last month’s book, Night School, highlighted the importance of a good night’s sleep and I don’t want any more reasons to disturb my sleep. Thankfully, when reading further into the book, you can take up the approach at any time of the day that fits in with your lifestyle.
Since reading the book, I have started the SAVERS habits: I have been sitting in the garden with my first cuppa listening to the birds in silence, then reading out my affirmations (which took quite a bit of writing down, but covers my business, health and spiritual life) and then visualising doing these things. I will then read some pages of a business book over breakfast and I do my exercises and writing in the evening. I have even started formalising the writing into a journal, looking at achievements and what I have done each day to reach my affirmations. Hopefully over the next few months I will be able to look back and see how much I have bridged the gap.
In fact, so impressed have I been with the book that I have found myself an accountability partner and joined the facebook community as recommended.
What did the others think?
It was nice to have a larger group this month as we have all adapted to going online. Everyone enjoyed the book and we have all adopted the Miracle Morning to some extent – as we are all in “lockdown” we are all pleased that this gives us the time to do Miracle Morning without having to get up earlier! Ros asked us a couple of questions based on the book:
- What were we doing to improve our circle of influence? I have already been doing this by linking up with more people on LinkedIn and arranging 1 to 1 meetings as well as joining the Business Wellbeing Club, which is a new circle of influence all with a very positive attitude
- Have we sent THE email? This is an email that Hal has recommended sending to friends, relatives, business colleague etc asking them for their honest opinion on how we can improve. Of course no-one in the group had sent it – we are British! Most were very resistant to sending it, but I have committed myself to doing so and have told my accountability partner of this intention, so I will have to do it. There might be another blog coming…
All in all this is a potentially life-changing book and I think it would be an excellent read for anyone who is reviewing their lifestyle following the Coronavirus pandemic. I have already received new business and taken up new opportunities since doing the Miracle Morning. Coincidence – maybe – but it helps keep me focussed on my goals.
The Business BookCLUB meets at lunchtime on the last Wednesday of the month. Meetings are currently via Zoom and we will discuss as a group whether we will go back to physical meetings in future.
You can find out more about the Business Wellbeing Club here.