Shout About Your Success
I have just read an article in the local paper about how the local hospital has received an increase in compliments this year and how the number of compliments far outstripped the complaints. I was pleased about this on a number of levels: it was good to hear a good news story about the NHS, it was good to hear that care was improving and it was good to hear that people do still appreciate the NHS.
It also got me thinking about how we shout about our own successes and whether we praise those around us enough. Yesterday I was at a business development session and we were talking about motivation. One person said she now had a “brag book” in her business, so that her and her staff could write down the good things. So, I’ve decided I’m going to start a “brag wall” for Peter and I to stick things on and show off a bit.
Of course, being British we prefer to be quite modest. We don’t like show offs. And yet…….. how do you choose where to eat out? Is Trip Advisor a must for you when deciding on a hotel or campsite?
Potential customers look for recommendations. If you are a hospitality business Trip Advisor is the place. If you are business to business people will look you up on LinkedIn for recommendations or look at testimonials on Google or your website.
Adding testimonials is an easy way to update your website. If you’re not sure how to do it, give me a call on 0758 4127644 and I’ll set you up with it.
Of course I’m a bit reticent too……….. so next job on my list is to set up testimonials on my website!
Read about York NHS Trust compliments here