Posts Tagged ‘websites’
Tips for Product Photography
Excellent product photography is essential for selling goods online. Product shots need to be planned thoroughly so that studio time is used to maximise the benefit to your business. Peter…
Read MoreWebsite Building – Travel Site Goes Live
Although I have been busily promoting my website updating service, I also offer a website building service and I am delighted to report that the Embarque Travel website went live…
Read MoreHow to Create a Marketing Plan in an Hour
This month I have been creating a marketing plan for Red Kite Services. As usual, I was doing a lot of scribbling and taking loads of time doing it. Then I…
Read MoreNew Logo Design
This year marks the fifth year that Red Kite Services has been trading, I started part-time back in 2010, moving to full time the year after. Since then I have…
Read More4 Easy Ways to Update Your Website
Remember that pride when you launched your new website? How did it feel to have it all completed and ready to share with customers? But, a website is never finished…
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