Website Building – Travel Site Goes Live
Although I have been busily promoting my website updating service, I also offer a website building service and I am delighted to report that the Embarque Travel website went live this week.
Gill Jackson wanted a website that could show case the amazing bespoke holiday service she offers, provide inspiration to travellers and shout about the holiday discounts she has available.
We decided therefore that we would go for a blog based site, so that she could frequently update the site with holiday ideas and stunning images. My websites are built on WordPress templates and do not involve a lot of complicated coding, which means I can offer good value for money for simple websites.
The design of the site logo and colours scheme was by Ellen Longhorn Design and I wrote the additional copy required.
To complete my website building service I will be spending a 1/2 day with Gill to show her how to update the website, particularly the blogs and testimonials section. This will be accompanied by a Website Manual giving step by step instructions on how to keep updating the site content, using screenshots of her own site as an example.
I have really enjoyed working on this website and look forward to working on many more in the future.