4 Ways to Support Local Businesses on Social Media
We all want local businesses to do well. Something that is increasingly important is to support local businesses on social media.
Online platforms are all about connection and engagement with an audience. Algorithms mean that a simple ‘follow’ or ‘like’ won’t do much to increase the visibility of the business that you want to support.
The following steps will help transform a businesses social media page to a place of engagement and communication. This enables the page to be promoted to a wider audience, and get the word out there about what they do, and why they do it well.
4 ways to support local businesses on social media
Likes are a ‘seal-of-approval’ and are used for two things.
- Like a business’ page allowing you to follow what they’re up to
- Like their posts to boost engagement
The more likes a post gets, the more engagement it has and so facebook places it higher on other people’s newsfeeds as something they might want to see. If other users are engaging with it, it is classed of higher interest and so a higher number of people are are likely to see the post.
Shares or retweets
Sharing a businesses post is a great way to promote what they do, and bring a wider awareness to their social media page. This is another form of engagement (as well as comments) that the algorithms like and will bring a businesses content to more people.
This post by Stillingfleet has 29 reactions, 3 comments and 4 shares. Facebook likes engagement and so a post like this is seen by more people than follow Stillingfleet and perhaps people who didn’t know about them before.
Reviews are important for small businesses. If you think someone has made something extremely beautiful, or useful, tell the world! People trust the views and opinions of real people. If you’ve had a good experience with a local business don’t keep it to yourself! You can review on Facebook, Google and Tripadvisor.
These are some reviews from Stillingfleet Lodge Gardens. If somewhere has good reviews it makes you want to visit, or find out more!
A professional recommendation is valued. If you’re in the business, people will trust your word on who they should go to.
A good way to do this is make recommendations on social media groups you are a part of. Often people ask for recommendations on where to eat or where to go for a day trip. This is a great opportunity to spread the word.
I hope this has given you some ideas on how you can support local businesses on social media!